Holloway Comet Observatory To Show Astrophotography
Comet C2001-Q4 (NEAT) Copyright © 2001 - Mike Holloway |
Comet 17/P Holmes – 11/16/2007 Copyright © 2007 - Mike Holloway |
These special photographic prints will be on display in the Staircase Gallery at the Fort Smith Art Center from Thursday, October 1, 2009 through Saturday, October 31, 2009.
Comet 17/P Holmes – 11/06/2007 Copyright © 2007 - Mike Holloway |
As an example of Mike’s collaboration with the scientific community, have a look at Mike’s story A Comet Caught By Its Trail on the Sky and Telescope web site. Mike is also a member of the CARA Project, or Cometary Archive for Amateur Astronomers. Mike’s images are found on a number of scientific web sites. Holloway Comet Observatory also maintains a Gallery on FotoTime that contains some great images by Mike.
To set up the showing, Mike has chosen eight different comets, starting in 2001, and he has been working to put this together since October of last year. There are multiple images of a few comets and a 6-image set of Comet 17/P Holmes showing the evolution of the explosion. Most are large prints of as large as 36” x 36”, so all the detail can be seen. Mike has also put in a couple of Moon shots “just because I like them.” We’re sure we’ll like them as well.
It is Mike’s hope that this shows well for the community of amateur astronomers in this area and what can be accomplished. Mike says it will hopefully show as art as well. This is a first for Mike, and as members of AOAS, we want to show him strong support from the amateur astronomy community and our wishes for his continued success. So please attend the showing at some point in October if at all possible. The Fort Smith Art Center is located at 423 N. 6th Street in Fort Smith, AR, and can be reached at 479-784-2787.
The Arkansas Oklahoma Astronomical Society is proud to have Mike as a member, and proud of his valued contributions to both amateur astronomy and the scientific community.