We missed a great opportunity today to promote AOAS and the science of Astronomy ....................
I went out to the Nature Center, thinking today was the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon (Tomorrow )....................
Today, as part of the nation wide "Earth Day" celibration, the Nature Center held their "EarthFest".
There were booths setup from many organizations. Information and displays on everthing from Polution Prevention, Recycling, Clean Air, Wind Power and Clean Energy, to Native American Artifacts, Entimology (Insects), Arkansas Geology, and much, much more, were setup.
At 11:30 am, I would estimate that there were between 300 to 400 people there..............
If I had known about this event before hand, I would have been proud to setup & man a booth or table to promote AOAS.
This would also be a great venue for the Arkansas Section of the IDA to present information on light polution..............
We need to make contact with Karen, or who ever is involved with organizing "EarthFest", and get a spot in next years event.......
As I have always said, and many in AOAS agree, the Arkansas Valley Nature Center is about the best resorce in our region of the state, that we have to promote AOAS. We need to take advantage of every oportunity they offer ! ! !
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