Subject: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 22 2009 @ 04:20 pm
By: tricks46


I hope the weekend went well. If you like heat I'm sure you had a great time. For those of us that had to work, can someone give a few lines on what went on?


Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 22 2009 @ 05:11 pm
By: lrjarhead


Hi Mike,
For the few who were there it was a great time! Fri night viewing wasn't so good due to clouds - but Thursday & Saturday were great.
It was hard to navigate at times just due to so many stars. I suppose there might have been thirty people show up for the lectures (which were fantastic) - maybe fifty folks max for Saturday nights viewing. Friday nights' Barbeque was a feast all who were in attendance will long remember - Leonard's ribs stole the show but everything was just great.
I suppose the biggest disappointment was lack of participation by the other astronomy clubs and general public as well. For the effort that was put in to this event, the results were very meager indeed. There were so few people there that "word of mouth" won't be successful until Christ returns.
Mike Baker

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 23 2009 @ 04:34 pm
By: nspace01


We had a great time................Like Mike said, there was a little disapointment from the number of people that showed up........but, we did have 20 or so telescopes set up on Saturday night.............from 100mm binos to 18" dob monsters.

The speakers were fantastic..........I could listen to people like that for days............We could not have asked for better.

Friday night had a few clouds early on and completely clouded out around 1:00am. Saturday night was clear.....and after midnight, it was spectaculure.

I would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work and attendance...............

Mayhap in a few years MMSP will be a bigger event..........Rome wasn't built in a day, or even two years.

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 23 2009 @ 05:40 pm
By: tricks46


Quote by: nspace01

in a few years MMSP will be a bigger event..........Rome wasn't built in a day, or even two years.

That's a good additude to have. Another might be that the club members do this for the club members----------if others want to tag along, there welcome. Big Grin

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 23 2009 @ 05:40 pm
By: lora


I sure enjoyed everything at the Mulberry Mountain Star Party last weekend! This was my first Star Party to camp at and I had a great time. The pot luck supper on Friday night was deliciously incredible, lots of wonderful astronomy folks to visit with, all of the guest speakers were excellent and so captivating all day on Saturday. I toured and loved the Old World design and antiques of the MM Lodge. The view was incredible, and it was thrilling to see lots of different telescopes. Saturday night was AWESOME with dark skies and a ZILLION STARS!!!!! It was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Then, to top that night off............there was a large, green bolide that shot across the dark sky!!!!!!! Dave and many others were lucky enough to see the whole, spectacular thing. I missed out on seeing that because I had already gone to bed early that night. I was really tired and hurting from a wasp stinging my ear on Friday morning. I sure hated to miss that rare opportunity of seeing that bolide!!!!!

It was also great meeting other astronomy enthusiasts from Texas, Oklahoma, four gentlemen from the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society in the Little Rock area, and several others from Arkansas, which we hope some may join our AOAS Club. Even though there was not a huge crowd in attendance.......the quality, dedication, and passion of every individual there was far beyond what I expected. What was lacking in large numbers of people attending certainly made up with the excellent, interesting qualities of folks that did attend. Plus, it was a great opportunity to network socially with other astronomy club members. I view this Star Party as a productive, learning experience of how AOAS members can better prepare for even more success at next year's MM Star Party.

This fantastic weekend at Mulberry Mountain has certainly sparked my interest in wanting to learn more about astronomy. I'm actually reading about "PATTERNS IN THE SKY", trying to learn the Constellations in the night sky. Next, I want to learn about the Messier Objects and get good at finding them in the night sky.

I want to say a very special, "THANKS" to Leonard Lynch, Mike Baker, and Dr. Larson for their hard work and contributions toward making this fun, educational weekend happen. I also greatly appreciate the ladies and gentlemen who provided the delicious foods. Ya'll sure know how to put on a DELICIOUS FEAST!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

I can hardly wait until next year's excitement in astronomy at the AOAS Mulberry Mountain Star Party!!!!!!!!!!!

Lora Grosvold Big Grin

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 25 2009 @ 06:18 pm
By: Chuck+Larson


I wish to ditto the replies of the others! This was a great weekend, even if the numbers may have been low, the quality of those in attendance was very high. It will be hard to top the four speakers that presented on Sat. afternoon. I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase a new eye piece for my 8" Celestron at the swap meet table. I also heard a lot of favorable comments regarding the number and quality of the door prizes that were offered at the Sat. afternoon event. If anyone likes to eat, you certainly cannot beat the cooks that were involved in bringing their fabulous food dishes to the (cookout) pot-luck! I brought a friend that has never been to a star party or feast like ours. He was most favorably impressed by the entire weekend. Seeing and viewing through so many different scopes and learning about the dark skies was very exciting to him. He really knew nothing about astronomy, but is now hooked on learning more. He was very impressed by our entire efforts, programs, location of the facilities, etc. He even wants me to bring him back again next year. My hat goes off to all the others who helped to make this weekend the great success it really was, regardless of the lower numbers to attend than expected. (Don't forget that this was also Father's Day weekend and could have had something to do with the turnout.)
Clear Skies!
Chuck Larson

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 27 2009 @ 12:26 am
By: kedi151


I would like to start by thanking all of our guest speakers. They were all informative, interesting and very entertaining. Even if the skies had not cooperated, it was worth the trip for the presentations.

I will follow that up with a big "job well done" for the club members responsible for the line-up.

The food Friday night was excellent and I am reluctant to brag on Leonard and the ribs because if his head gets any bigger, he will not be able to leave his house.

The viewing Friday night was decent at best but the upside was that it allowed alot of socializing and ended up a very enjoyable evening.

Managed to squeeze in a canoe trip on the Mulberry River Saturday morning and even though the water was low, it was still floatable and we had a good time.

Spent the afternoon listening to above mentioned speakers before heading out for the nights viewing. It cools of a little quicker in the hills so the temperature was tolerable early on and nice a little later.

Had a great night of star gazing/socializing and am not sure I have ever seen the MilkyWay as defined as it was Saturday night.

Already looking forwardto next year.

Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: June 28 2009 @ 11:50 pm
By: bobmoody


I wish I'd been able to view Saturday evening. I saw the telescopes lined up and I'm sure everyone who observed Saturday had some outstanding views through some of those large 16" abd 18" telescopes.

I made the presentations and they were, as mentioned above, incredible! I brought my meager meteorite collection which we were able to use as a little "hands-on" part of Dr Derek Sears presentation. Dr Sears is a CosmoChemist at UA Fayetteville where he's headed the program for the last 28 years, I believe. He KNOWS his meteorites inside-out and I always learn a little more every time I have the chance to visit with him. We will hope he might be able to provide us with another presentation next year.

By the way, what date did we pick for the event next year? Anyone know yet?


Re: Mulberry Weekend

Posted on: July 11 2009 @ 11:16 am
By: Wade+Van+Arsdale


This was one of the best (and best quality) star parties I have ever attended. I thought the numbers in attendance were good for such a fledgling event, especially when you consider the Little Rock club was already obligated to another event, Fathers Day weekend, and a heat wave. It seemed that everyone who came by wound up hooked by the friendly folks and facilities, all the nice telescope equipment and depth of experience of the amateur astronomers and science speakers present. I hope AOAS will keep this event going each year, because regardless of how big it eventually becomes (and I think it will be big eventually), it has all the things that you look for in a great star party!

Clear skies,
Wade Van Arsdale
C.A.A.S. member
Little Rock, AR., USA

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