Hello All!
I want to take a moment to invite everyone to AOAS' annual Christmas Dinner meeting, to be held on December 3rd in the West room of the Fort Smith Riverpark Events Building at the junction of North "A" street and Clayton Expressway. Dinner will begin at 6:30 PM, with the meeting following at 7:30 PM.
Everyone is invited, and you DON'T have to bring a side dish to attend. We are looking at an exciting year ahead for the club in 2011!. We will be doing some planning at this years' meeting, as well as electing our club officers for next year. This is your chance as a member to make your voice heard!
Traditionally, the club will provide the meat dish and club members then bring their various favorite side dishes to round out the meal. As always, we like to have people indicate what dish they are bringing so that we can make sure to round out the offerings. We began a preliminary list of volunteers who will bring side dishes over the past two weeks. These are listed below.
Turkey ..................................... Leonard Lynch
Ham ......................................... Leonard Lynch
Coconut Cake .......................... Gayla Lynch
Broccoli Casserole ...................Dave & Lora Grosvold
Ice ........................................... Dave & Lora Grosvold
Rolls/Butter ............................. Dave & Lora Grosvold
Mashed Potatoes / Gravy ....... Bob Moody
Sweet Corn ............................. Bob Moody
Cranberry Sauce .................... Chuck & Loretta Larson
Sweet Potatos ........................ Chuck & Loretta Larson
Pies ........................................ Bruce & Judy Grates
Baklava .................................. Bruce & Judy Grates
Large Paper Plates ................ Roger & Ellen Cayer
Small Paper Plates ................. Roger & Ellen Cayer
Cups ....................................... Roger & Ellen Cayer
Flatware ................................. Roger & Ellen Cayer
Napkins .................................. Roger & Ellen Cayer
We still need:
One comment about beverages - if you have a particular libation you're fond of, we suggest you bring your own bottle and share it with the group. Also, though it is not forbidden, we typically don't serve alcoholic beverages at club functions.
Please consider adding your name to the list. To do so, post your response here, and we'll add it to the list. This way we'll have a running tally of those items for which we've received commitments, and those we haven't.
We're looking forward to everyone having a great time and good fellowship!
We'll be happy to provide plates, cups, napkins and flatware. And we''re looking forward to meeting all of you.
Roger and Ellen Cayer
Thanks Roger!
I udpated list above to reflect your items.
Well, I think I will join you folks for this 25th annual dinner/meeting, and discuss what we might do in our 26th year starting January 15th.
I will bring a selection of drinks and mashed potatoes, gravy (country white and brown) as well as plenty of sweet corn. That will still leave some more vegetables that might be suggested and brought. I look forward to seeing everyone!
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting Bob!
I added your items to the list above.
I put Bruce and Judy Grates down for Pie and Baklava as desserts. Hope to see everyone there!
Looks like the Dinner is shaping up nicely!
Dr. Larson and Loretta have committed to bringing sweet potatoes and rolls. I'm getting hungry just thinkin' about it! Yum!
Dave, how many people are you expecting? 20? 30? 93?
Would not want to run out of plates & cutlery.
More than ten, less that fifty...........
I bought (The Club) a 13 pound Turkey and a 10 pound boneless ham today..........I will stick them in the smoker early Friday morning and cook'em for about 8 hours....................
Gala is making one of her World Famous Coconut Cream Cakes...........
See everyone there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave, how many people are you expecting? 20? 30? 93?
Would not want to run out of plates & cutlery.
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