We have been asked to do a Star Party for a group of Girl Scouts at Camp Cahinnio, south of Booneville on hwy 23 (about 3 miles from the intersection of hwy 71 and hwy 23) on Monday, the 20th of June.
I plan to get there at 7:00pm and set up 2 of my scopes.
Anyone (with or without a scope) is welcome to come out and help out!!!
Leonard -
As you know, normally, I'd be glad to help out, but this time I'm going to have to pass since it's on a Monday evening. Plus, it's a 2-1/2 hour drive for me each way.
I hope someone who lives a bit further south can help out.
Hey, guys, I'm baaaack!
Or.... At least... Trying to GET back!
My telescope has been out of service ever since the Mulberry Mtn extravaganza TWO YEARS ago! I just got the old mirror cleaned up, and replaced my collimator bolts (which were originally way, too thin, & had worn out). I found Saturn last night & then gazed at the moon until about 1:00 a.m.
I'd love to help, Leonard, but I have to work this Monday night - I go in at 6:00p.m. and will be working all night. I always work overnight these days, which should help me stay up late on stargazing nights, I'll bet!
The real bummer is, my work schedule has prevented me from coming to your meetings, which are not very often, these days... at least, not last time I looked.
Anyway, I am planning on returning. Will catch up with you soon!
Hey Eric -
Glad to hear from you! Our meetings are Monthly now, (except for July) so you should find more opportunities to make meetings.
Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The start Party was "Clouded Out"....... .......The closer to dark it got, the cloudier it got....
......We finally gave up at about 9:30pm.......
The Project Leader asked if we could try it again tomorrow nite...............and I agreed.
My thanks to John and Mac from Booneville for coming out.............Said they would try to come out and try again on Wedesday night.
Hey Eric -
Glad to hear from you! Our meetings are Monthly now, (except for July) so you should find more opportunities to make meetings.
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