I've finalized plans for a Star Party at UAFS.
It will be held at 7:00pm, next Thursday night, 02/27/14, on the roof of the Math and Science Bldg.
I know this is very short notice, but If anyone can help me out by attending with a telescope, I would appreciate it very much. I don't know how many students or faculty will attend, but I may be overwhelmed.
Don't know if you are aware of the set-up at the Science building at UAFS for getting scopes onto the roof of the building.
When I was on the faculty there, my office was on the 3rd floor, opposite the door to the roof. The only way for us to go
on the roof for observing was up that stairwell and through the mechanical equipment room. Then to get out on the roof
there was a tall threshold to step over. Back in those days students were not permitted to go on the roof. I have had a small
scope up there in the past. Hope all the procedures have been cleared to get this done. Back then they did not want students
going to the mechanical room due to too much of a chance of someone getting into a dangerous situation.
Chuck Larson, Ed.D. (retired)
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