Subject: Send us your pictures

Posted on: September 28 2014 @ 11:24 pm
By: bobmoody


Many people who are associated with AOAS currently, may not have known us for the past 3 DECADES. We've reached out to answer the public and educational questions of some 100,000+ area residents and schools, and I'd like to ask our visitors if you may have any pictures of any event or classes we've offered since our founding on January 15, 1985? If you or anyone you know has any pictures or images of any event or star party, please consider sharing them with us. You may reach me through this forum, or by email at, or by phone at (479) 222-5089. This is to be an article for area newspapers for our 30th anniversary on January 16, 2015. Please look through your albums or hard discs/flash drives, etc. and contact myself or AOAS president, Leonard Lynch at nspace01.


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