Subject: ArkLaTex Star Party Special Guest Speaker

Posted on: June 04 2006 @ 10:35 am
By: dgrosvold


Hi all -

I recently received this e-mail from Roy Clingan, or our sister club in Nashville, AR:

We have been working feverishly to select and announce our Special Guest Speaker for this years star party. We have narrowed the field to an Astronaut or Mission Specialist. No, this is not a misprint. So...I should have a name by next week.

The one scheduling complaint of last years star party was the number of speakers we had in attendance. By request, we are cutting the number of speakers to allow time for everyone to visit. Those names will also be released shortly. We will have a swap meet, T-shirts, shower and Rex's Astro Stuff as our vendor. As to our food vendor, we worsened our situation this year. Everyone said they gained weight last year: So, Trish has agreed to pull her catering trailer onto the site. Get ready to really gain weight this year. And of course, we will have our now very famous giveaway drawing Saturday night.

The star party is scheduled later in the year so that our temperatures should be cooler. We're working on additional power for the field. Overall, this should be an event you won't want to miss. Please watch our website for updates.

Roy Clingan
Special Projects Coordinator
Red River Astronomy Club
Nashville, AR


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