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 Monday, August 20 2018 @ 04:12 pm EDT (Read 14608 times)  
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Registered: 09/03/08
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I wanted to pop in and say hello. I hope everyone is well. I won't ask if anyone has been observing. The weather in Little Rock has been terrible all year for astronomy and I doubt its been much better in greater Fort Smith.

This past Friday I attended a work meeting that was held in the Janet Huckabee Nature Center classroom where AOAS used to meet. It brought back great memories. I recall attending several AOAS meetings there to include a great holiday banquet/potluck and the last time I spoke on behalf of IDA.

Yes, I am still very much interested in astronomy. Lack of time and too many clouds prevents me from doing much. No, I am not currently a member of CAAS. But I have remained close with Wade Van Arsdale and Don and Carolaina Ferren. Ironically none of us are current CAAS members. Don, Wade, Kathy and I observed last summer's Total Solar Eclipse together from Festus, MO. Wade and I are also into bicycling. We try to meet every Sunday morning for a bike ride along the Arkansas River in North Little Rock.

Clear skies! - Jim Fisher

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 Tuesday, August 21 2018 @ 12:59 am EDT  
Forum Sage

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Hello, Jim! It's almost "good" to hear that CAAS has had so similar a time with bad weather. I'm also glad to hear Wade has been cycling with you. Personally, I can't seem to get up the effort to simply walk down to the mailbox as much as I used to. It's only about 1/2 mile round trip, but its a tough half mile. AOAS President Leonard Lynch is keeping the club going since many of us are still worn out from the 5-year run at our Coleman Observatory 2.0 site. Joe Roam, his cousin Ernie and I traveled to Columbia, MO for the eclipse last year. Hardly seems it's been a year since then already. We barely arrived in time as the first contact commenced within 15~20 minutes of arrival at some Mark Twain Nat'l Forest campground. It was everything I hoped for and we're waiting on the April 8, 2024 AR solar eclipse, HA! Just reset my Dell this evening and I'm beginning my re-establishment of my favorites files. That brought me to our website where I found the post you made. Looking forward to seeing you all someday, soon.
Take care, my friends!!!!

Bob Moody
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 Saturday, August 25 2018 @ 12:03 pm EDT  
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Thanks, Bob! Great to hear from you. Big Grin

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 Saturday, September 08 2018 @ 02:41 am EDT  
Forum Sage

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Registered: 03/27/05
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Great to hear from you!!! Laughing Out Loud

Don't be a stranger..............

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 Thursday, December 30 2021 @ 12:03 pm EST  
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Registered: 09/03/08
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Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I'm still in Little Rock. I still observe as often as I can. Wade Van Arsdale and I go to Mount Magazine 2 or 3 times year. Wishing all who see this clear skies and a healthy and happy 2022.

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