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 Wednesday, August 20 2008 @ 11:14 am EDT (Read 9100 times)  
Forum Sage

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I don't understand this horrible weather. No scope time at all. I begining to think that one of you guys is not livin right. Need to fess up so we can get some skys back before I forget how to operate the stuff I use.
Mike H. Laughing Out Loud

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 Wednesday, August 20 2008 @ 02:31 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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There is a theory that the purchasing of addition astronomical equipment can cause a low pressure area in a section of the country, pulling the jet stream into that area resulting in cool temperatures, heavy cloud cover and rain.

As a direct result of "Aperture Fever", Larry Edwards recently got a new Atlas 10 EQ-G set-up and Bob Moody is buying a DSLR...........

It seems that the theory may be valid......................... Wink

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 Wednesday, August 20 2008 @ 03:17 pm EDT  
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I think we're going to have to start renaming the months of the calendar. Eek! My vote for naming this month is Augtober. Big Grin It's 62 degrees at my place today! We've been sleeping with the windows open for the past week. Weird!

If it keeps up, we'll have to rename next month Septvember....

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Thursday, August 21 2008 @ 09:40 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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Sorry, my bad...
I love the fact that there is no longer near 100 deg temps, but dang! As soon as my newt showed up, so did the clouds and rain. The tropical storm over Florida has changed directions and now it apears to be headed towards Bella Vista. Eek! Will it ever end?


Clear Skies-Larry
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 Saturday, August 30 2008 @ 11:02 am EDT  
Forum Sage

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I'm sorry guys, I guess its my fault. I bought a DSLR, AT66APO, and 108mm rings from a guy on AstroMart and he's the slowest to do things I've ever seen. If I can believe him, he FINALLY made the shipment yesterday, Aug 29. Give it another mandatory 2-3 weeks of continued lousy weather before we can expect the skies really settle down again.



Bob Moody
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 Tuesday, September 02 2008 @ 10:15 am EDT  
Forum Sage

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Can you beleive it!! That hurricane formed where and now is going to sit over western Arkansas. I can only beleive that is exactly what it had in mind the entire time Twisted Evil . Move to higher ground folks!
(I want a DSLR to).

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 Saturday, September 13 2008 @ 05:00 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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Sorry folks,

I ordered a Meade DSI from eBay... Laughing Out Loud

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Sunday, September 20 2009 @ 07:51 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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I can finally see the sun poking through the clouds!

So, who was responsible for the gloomiest weather since Ike and Gustav 2008..? Eek!

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Sunday, September 20 2009 @ 10:45 pm EDT  
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I figure it's punishment for trying to have a Star Party on Saturday. Eek!

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Monday, September 21 2009 @ 05:13 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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How did that star party and Gastronomical event go....................It was fairly clear at my house at sundown, but fouled up an hour later...........

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 Tuesday, September 22 2009 @ 06:46 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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I am terribly sorry, but due to recent online activities, I may have caused more rain and cloudiness in the next week or so..........

I was not really looking to buy a scope................I am trying to save up for a mirror for my home built 14" Dob project.

The price was just to good to pass up...........

I got a lightly used Meade SN-10 10" Schmidt-Newtonian OTA for..............you ready....................$249.00 plus $50.00 shipping......... Laughing Out Loud

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 Tuesday, September 22 2009 @ 07:15 pm EDT  
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Great buy Leonard! But I really think we need to put a freeze on all astronomical spending.

Craig - Sallisaw
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 Tuesday, September 22 2009 @ 08:09 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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How can you sleep at night? Laughing Out Loud

Well, you might as well get another mount to go with your stolen OTA. Razz But you have to buy one tonight, because I don't think I can take another week of this crummy weather... Cry

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Wednesday, September 23 2009 @ 03:22 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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I difinitly do not need another mount...............I'll just mount on one of the two I already have.............That is a great thing about most astronomy devices, they are modular with a mod here or there or a new mounting plate. Eek!

That scope was just too good to pass up.....................

Other than the price, the only reason I bought it was this:

My 10" SCT OTA was originally from a Meade LX5 that was manufactured in 1982 or there abouts. 27 years old. It is an "Antique".

I have tweeked the collimation and never have gotten a real good image.

The Moon is great........Planets and stars not so great. Lots of Coma.

About a month ago AOAS had a star party at the Nature Center. The seeing was horrible. I had my scope on Jupiter and could barely see the equatorial bands.

Then I looked through Bike Baker's 8" Celestron SCT at Jupiter and was blown away......You could see details in Jupiter's atmosphere that were not visible on mine..............His veiw was real crisp..........Though a little brighter, my views were fuzzy.

It is common sence to think that a scope 2" larger would have at least as crisp image, under the same skies.

Old surface coatings, internal optic alinement, etc., are probably the faults and from what I have read, the early SCTs didn't have the best optics, compared to more recent commercial manufacturing processes.

And, I may be missing something in collimation...........

I think it may be time to retire the old "Bird", or find it a new home.

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 Wednesday, September 23 2009 @ 03:26 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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After I complete my 14" Dob, I think my next scope will be a Meade/Astro-Tech/GSO 8" or 10" RC. Rolling Eyes

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 Thursday, September 24 2009 @ 11:41 pm EDT  
Forum Sage

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I supose it's my turn to apologize, again. And I guess I'll take back all the harsh words that I might have expressed to others (Leonard and his 10" SN he stole) for causing less than perfect viewing conditions that most of us have experienced lately. But it's really not my fault this time, really. It was just a tiny purchase that had nothing to do with apeture fever and in my opinion a AT66ED doesn't count anyways... Rolling Eyes

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Friday, September 25 2009 @ 01:47 pm EDT  
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Larry -

it looks like your purchase broke the spell! Man, what a beautiful day today! The sun is shining, the sky is clear, it's just sweet! I'm SO thinking about playing hooky this afternoon. Enjoy that AT66 when you get it. Looks like we'll have several days of clear weather coming up for you to enjoy it. I bet Leonard is gonna get his going as well.

I guarantee I'll have the 12.5" out tonight and tomorrow night! Yee-Haw!

Dave - Morrow, AR
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