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 Asrtonomy Mag
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 Sunday, January 27 2008 @ 01:27 pm EST (Read 3432 times)  
Forum Sage

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Registered: 03/27/05
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My wife surprised me yesterday... Laughing Out Loud ...This is not unique, she does it all the time....She signed me up for a years subscription (12 issues) of Astronomy Magazine with Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes, for $12.48. That is only $1.04 per month.

If you go to Astronomy Magazine website it would cost you $42.95 for a years subscription. If you buy the magizine at Books-A-Billion each month, like I normally do, it would cost $5.95 an issue ($71.40+ tax, for 12 issues).

This is a bargin any way you look at it...... Laughing Out Loud

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Chuck Larson
 Tuesday, January 29 2008 @ 11:32 pm EST  
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Registered: 06/23/03
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Glad to see someone else discovered the great bargain on Astronomy magazine through Publishers Clearing House. They have been running their reduced pricing on this journal for several years now.
Your price, Leonard, is the cheapest one that they have had that I have seen.
I started my subscription to Astronomy magazine several years ago when they would offer the big discounts every now and then through their mailings. Because of these savings, I now have my
subscription running through the year 2015. Therefore, all of you who get the PCH mailings may want to take a look at the offerings when you get them in the mail. Astronomy magazine is not there in every mailing, but offered several times a year at a reduced rate from what is offered in the magazine and even cheaper than the newstand price.
Chuck Larson

Chuck Larson
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