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 Announcing a New Media Gallery on AOAS.ORG
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 Friday, June 27 2008 @ 01:05 pm EDT (Read 9009 times)  
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AOAS Members and Friends:

We're excited to offer a new updated photo and media gallery feature on our website. The Gallery makes it easy to maintain albums of photos and video clips via an easy to use web interface. Individual albums can be locked so that others can't upload media to them, or you can create albums where any registered user can upload images. The Gallery allows you to maintain your own settings for sorting and display, as well as assigning specific categories to uploaded media.

The new Gallery has a lot of other features and methods for uploading media. Please post a reply to this Forum Topic if you have questions or need to upload a large number of media files.

Previous Photos Saved

We've been able to save most of the photos that were uploaded to the previous photo Gallery, and they are already back in the new Gallery. The comments and captions, however, will take some additional time to get back in place, as these have to be sifted to remove the spam that caused the original Gallery to be discontinued. Please bear with us while we get that piece of work completed.

And thanks for your support. of our web site efforts so far.

Quick Start Guide

     Creating Your First Album

  • From the Gallery Main View, select Create Album from the Options drop down menu. Give your new album a name and description, check the default setting to ensure they are to your liking and save. You now have your first album. See the screenshot below for an example:


     Adding Media to Your New Album

  • Now that you have a new album, let’s put some media items into it. Click on the thumbnail from the Gallery Main View and that will move you into the new album. Now select Add Media from the Options drop down menu. This will give you the web based upload form. Use the Browse button to locate a media item on your local computer to upload and enter a title and description. Hit the save button and your media item will be uploaded. Once Media Gallery has processed the upload, you should see a confirmation message that the file was successfully processed. If you receive an error message, double check your configuration.

Remember - this is a family oriented web site, so please keep the photos related to the hobby of Amateur Astronomy or the activites of the AOAS. Eek!


Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Friday, June 27 2008 @ 09:08 pm EDT  
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I'm so excited to start this section of our website again. Thanks once again for your tireless work to keep us the BEST ASTRONOMY WEBSITE on the 3rd Rock from our star, SOL!

Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You Ad Infinitum


Bob Moody
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Charley McLane
 Wednesday, July 09 2008 @ 04:38 pm EDT  
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Thankyou oh honored webmaster Dave. Your honest labor and diligent attention to the AOAS website is greatly appreciated. Awhile back I noticed the RSS icon for those interested in knowing on their browsers when our site has received new material or updates. Cool Recently I had one cataract removed and an intraocular lens implanted. With the Gallery open again and the many public opportunities for viewing I hope to have stars in my eyes once again Eek! . Charley

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 Wednesday, July 09 2008 @ 04:48 pm EDT  
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Charley and Bob -

Thanks for the comments. Charley, I hope that you regain every bit of your sight back. I'm starting to have issues with my eyes, and I know that cataract surgery is in my future as well - just don't know how long down the road. I sure wish I could see the sky as well as I used to. Cry

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Sunday, July 13 2008 @ 12:28 pm EDT  
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Good morning Dave,

I'm was going to create an album in the gallery, but in the drop down menu, there is not the option of create album, just search and add media? I am in the "The Members Media Gallery" just like the screenshot you posted says to be, although your print screen is slightly different than what I see when I'm in the members gallery? Here is my screenshot and note the drop down button. What am I doing wrong?

Clear skies,

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Monday, July 14 2008 @ 02:41 pm EDT  
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Hi Larry -

Sorry for the confusion. I left something out of the instructions. You need to create your Member Album first, and then the instructions above apply for any sub-albums you may want to create. The slightly different screen appearance is due to the fact that I had done some tweaking on things after I had posted the original message for this topic.

To create your Member Album, just login to the site. You should then see a box in the upper right titled Member Album. Just click on the link in that box and follow the instructions.
See the image below for more details.

Hope this helps!

Where to find the Member Album box to create your initial album.
Where to find the Member Album box to create your initial album.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Wednesday, July 16 2008 @ 09:06 pm EDT  
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Thanks Dave!

I have another question though. When adding media I see this message after the upload, "Image name .jpg successfully placed in Moderation queue" and my album says "This album does not contain any image media" I'm guessing the images will be reviewed before beeing posted or did I blow it up? Eek!

Clear skies,

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Thursday, July 17 2008 @ 08:30 am EDT  
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I'm guessing the images will be reviewed before beeing posted or did I blow it up?

No - you didn't blow it up. I have moderation turned on so that we can review images before they become public. I know this is a pain for everyone, but many users can attest to the fact that unscrupulous hackers have brought our Gallery to its knees in the past. I guess we're a little gun-shy right now.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Thursday, July 17 2008 @ 01:47 pm EDT  
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How do I remove an image from my gallery?

It seems I have 3 copies of the same photo in my gallery....I think that when I first uploaded the images, and nothing showed up, I tried two more times ( didn't know about the moderation review, at the time).

If this is not a "User Function", go ahead and remove Image #2 & #3 from my gallery.


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 Thursday, July 17 2008 @ 02:58 pm EDT  
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Hi Leonard -

To delete an image, first, open the Album where the image is located, and then select "Manage Media" from the options menu pull-down at the top of the album (this is the same menu where I initially indicated to select "Create Album.")

Let me know if you have more questions.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Thursday, July 17 2008 @ 03:28 pm EDT  
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I have an album! Thanks again Dave...you da man!

Oh by the way, I have'nt played with the auto tags yet. I'm sure I will have some questions for that too! Laughing Out Loud

Clear skies,

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Friday, July 18 2008 @ 08:57 pm EDT  
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Hello Dave,

Yes it’s me again; hopefully I have only one more question for you O’ Wise One of this site universe. Well, at least one more for the photo gallery anyways… Eek!

Some how, I’ve managed to create an album that’s hidden. I’ve look through all nine pages of images and zilch. The only way I can find it, is by using the Jump to: Drop down Menu. Not even the thumbnail I’ve attached is visible? I created it with the Members’ Media Gallery as the parent album, is this where I goofed? Oops! Please share your wisdom. Confused

“Obi-Wan you’re my only hope… ”

Clear Skies-Larry
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 Friday, July 18 2008 @ 09:55 pm EDT  
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Hi Larry -

I've done a review and I can't find anything wrong with the albums, and none are hidden (that shouldn't be hidden.) What was the name of the album you created? I might be able to find soehting on it if I knew the name you used.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Friday, July 18 2008 @ 11:44 pm EDT  
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Good evening Dave,

I just used the default name of “Larry Edwards’s Album”- Album ID:15 with the description of “Cheap Astrophotography” It is a sub folder of the Members’ Media Gallery. (Parent Album-Members’ Media Gallery)

If you click the Gallery button, then the Members’ Media Gallery Album Thumbnail, you will see Bob Moody’s Album Thumbnail, Members’ Observatory Thumbnail, Leonard’s Thumbnail ect... The only way I can see or manage mine is to use the Jump to: Drop down Menu and there you will see mine and all the other sub folder albums mentioned above.

I’m able to view, add media and manage my album, I assume like everyone else. I just have to use the drop down to get to it, instead of the clickable Thumbnail. Is that making any sense ‘cause I’m confusing myself now. Confused

I did try the search button and was able to pull my images? But, while in the Members’ Media Gallery you can go through all nine pages of 157 images and not come across any of them?

I’ve always been that guy who tries to put a square peg in a round hole! Eek!

Are you sure I didn’t blow up the internet? Wink


Clear Skies-Larry
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 Monday, July 21 2008 @ 01:31 am EDT  
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That's odd, Larry. I saw just what you did - it wasn't listed in the Member's Media Gallery area. I couldn't see anything wrong with the settings, though.

Just to see if things would change, I assigned it to a different parent album, and then assigned it back again. That seemed to fix things at least when I was viewing the Member's Media Gallery. Let me know if this appears to be fixed for you now.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Monday, July 21 2008 @ 10:43 pm EDT  
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Hey Dave,

It doesn’t look like it has changed, I still have to use the drop down menu or search option to get to my album. I guess I broke it… Laughing Out Loud


Clear Skies-Larry
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 Tuesday, July 22 2008 @ 12:42 am EDT  
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OK - I think I finally got 'r done.. There was another hidden album that was causing yours to be hidden also, even though it wasn't set as hidden.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Tuesday, July 22 2008 @ 11:45 am EDT  
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I'ts working!!!! Thank you.... O' Great Master Dave!! Big Grin

Clear Skies,

Clear Skies-Larry
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