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 Star Party at Diamond Bar G Ranch - April 25th
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 Friday, April 03 2009 @ 02:21 pm EDT (Read 6165 times)  
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Come join us for a great Spring Star Party!

Once again, Lora and I cordially invite members of the AOAS and guests to a star party at our ranch on Hale Mountain. The Star Party will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2009. We'll start with a potluck supper at about 5:00 PM, and then move to the observing area as dusk approaches. You're welcome to come up earlier to set up.

This is a great dark sky site in NW Arkansas, and we should have an excellent time. We have a spectacular view to the south, with very little sky glow.

Folks are welcome to camp overnight, and we do have 30A electric hookups for about three RVs if you want to bring them. Unfortunately, electricity will not be available at the actual observing site, so bring your battery packs. We will try to have a cookout on Saturday evening.

Please bring a covered dish or dessert for the potluck supper. Also - everyone needs to bring their own beverages. Lora and I don't serve alcohol up here, but if you want to bring a few beers or something that's up to you. We'll try to have a couple of ice chests full of ice, and maybe some hot cocoa later in the evening. One more thing - It gets COLD up here at night, so dress appropriately.

Here are some simple directions to our place if the web maps are just too hard to follow:

From Van Buren take Hwy 59 north to Evansville. When you get to Evansville, turn right at the Post Office (That's County Rd 3 - Hale Mountian Rd.) Follow CR3 for 5-1/2 miles. If at any point you're in doubt, remember to bear left. It's all paved so you don't have to worry about gravel roads. You will come out on top of Hale Mountain at about 4.25 miles, and then the road will run fairly straight for about 7/8 of a mile and then bend to the right. Go another 4/10 of a mile, and you will see our mailbox on the right with the number 18966 on it. Turn right just after the mailbox, and then you will find yourself facing 4 driveways. Take the 2nd one on the right, just around the left side of the two stone pillars. I'll post a photo to show you what to look for.

From Fayetteville, take Hwy 62 (Exit 62 on I-540) West through Farmington. and continue on through Prairie Grove. Continue 4 miles past the traffic light in downtown Prairie Grove to Ark Hwy 45. Turn Left onto Hwy 45 and follow that down through Canehill, and then Clyde. At Clyde, Hwy 45 will head to the right. Follow 45 approx. 2.5 miles to Country Road 3 (Hale Mountain Rd.) Turn left here. There's a big sign for the Morrow Country Store at this turn-off. Follow CR3 down into Morrow past the Morrow Country Store and on 2-1/4 miles past the store up to the top of Hale Mountain. Now follow the paved road for another 1/2 mile. The road will curve around to the left. At the end of a white/grey rail fence you should see our mailbox on the left with the number 18966 on it. Turn left just before the mailbox, and then you will find yourself facing 4 driveways. Take the 2nd one on the right, just around the left side of the two stone pillars. I'll post a photo to show you what to look for.

Got questions? Ask away...

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Sunday, April 05 2009 @ 04:02 am EDT  
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I will be bringing some of my world famous pork ribs...............They were voted "Best Ribs in the Universe" by the Astronomical Union..................(Well, mayhap)

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 Wednesday, April 22 2009 @ 11:39 am EDT  
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Looks like the weather may cooperate for Saturday night.........................It has been pretty nice the last few nights....... Laughing Out Loud

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 Wednesday, April 22 2009 @ 11:57 am EDT  
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The National Weather Service is reporting Mostly Cloudy up here on Saturday night. Hopefully that will change between now and then.

If we get clouded or rained out on Saturday, We'll host the Diamond Bar G Ranch Star Party on May 23rd. Eek!

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Wednesday, April 22 2009 @ 10:00 pm EDT  
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The only problem with that is I had planned to put on my ribs early Saturday morning..............................I may be clear in the morning or even clear here in Fort Smith Saturday evening............Smoked Ribs don't freeze well.................I guess I can eat them all over a couple of days, if we get rained/clouded out....................... Laughing Out Loud

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 Thursday, April 23 2009 @ 04:43 pm EDT  
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Leonard - if it looks on Sat morning at all like it may be mostly cloudy Sat nite, I'd say hold off on them ribs. I'd rather have the star party without the ribs than have you stuck with the ribs without the star party. Big Grin

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Friday, April 24 2009 @ 01:35 pm EDT  
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Here is the "Rib Plan":

Saturday morning I will look at the sky and look on the NWS website. If it looks like the star party mite happen, I'll put on the ribs. Laughing Out Loud

If it doesn't look good.......I will forgo the ribs Rolling Eyes

If it ends up nice and the star party is held anyway, I'll bring Brats and Buns. Laughing Out Loud

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 Friday, April 24 2009 @ 02:28 pm EDT  
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Sounds like a plan -

It'll be good either way.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Saturday, April 25 2009 @ 10:14 am EDT  
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Hey all -

It looks like we're going to have some folks up here rain or shine. So we'll be having the potluck supper no matter what the weather does. Come on!

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Saturday, April 25 2009 @ 10:48 am EDT  
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Barb & I will be there - she'll drive her own vehicle 'cause she's got to get back and do some work at the college. Bringing Potato Salad, Blackberry Cobbler w/Van. icecream. Will pack scope and hope for the best.

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 Sunday, April 26 2009 @ 07:51 am EDT  
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Wow! What a meal! it's Sunday Morning and I'm still full! If you didn't make Dave & Lora's Pot-Luck Supper at the Diamond G Ranch then you missed the best ribs the Universe has to offer! Leonard out did himself on the ribs and they were simply the best I ever had. The fellowship was great, too - I had a really great time. The fact that we were "clouded out" from observing means we get to do this again next month, hmmm. Mr. Green

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 Sunday, April 26 2009 @ 03:10 pm EDT  
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Lora and I had a great time too, And the food was out of this world. Leonard has got my vote as the BBQ Rib king. We'll just have to start calling them Astro-Ribs! Out of this world! The potato salad, fruit salad, Charley's chicken, Loretta's sweet potatos, and the Earthquake cake, blackberry cobbler and ice cream were great too. I'm afraid I've already had my rations for the entire week.

OK - everyone. We got clouded out, so let's plan on doing this again on May 23rd!

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Tuesday, April 28 2009 @ 03:47 pm EDT  
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Let me add my bit to this...................

Me and the wife had a wonderful time and one of the best meals in resent memory.....................I hate to keep tooting my own horn, but they were the best ribs I ever cooked, if not the best I've ever ate.

We also enjoyed the magic and number tricks................and of course the fellowship.........

Too bad the skies didn't cooperate................... Rolling Eyes

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 Thursday, April 30 2009 @ 09:39 am EDT  
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Leonard -

You have a right to brag. Those ribs were delicious! I must compliment everyone else on the food as well.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Wednesday, May 13 2009 @ 06:33 pm EDT  
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Even though the night sky didn't cooperate for good viewing in April, Dave and I sure had a fun and exciting time with fellow AOAS members last weekend. The food was scrumptious and I really ate way too much! Boy, was that wonderful! Leonard's astronomical bar be que ribs were outta this world! I had to pull my hair back into a pony tail so I could savor every bite!
Barbra's yummy, fresh, potato salad was to die for! Charley brought some roasted chicken that was so tender and flavorful! Loretta's melt in your mouth sweet potato casserole was so addicting in such a sweet and nutty way, I just had to have more!
I contributed a big bowl of chilled, fruit salad. We finished the evening off with Gayla's yummy, Earthquake Cake, plus, Mike and Barbra's Blackberry Cobbler with vanilla ice cream. We also had peach tea, Dr. Pepper, and coffee to drink. YUM!!!!!YUM!!!!

After our meal, we watched Dr. Larsen's Magic Show DVD that he presented at the Jim Stafford Theater in Branson, Missouri.
I was so amazed on how he does those "tricks"! Of course, there's always some type of math or science involved, but, I just can't figure out how he does those! :-\ We all congratulated Dr. Larsen on receiving the MAGICIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD! What an honor to go to this wonderful, honorable gentleman! I'm especially proud of him, since he was one of my science and math professors in college. :-)

We hope to have clear skies the night of May 23, since we've scheduled another Star Party here at our ranch. We hope you can join us then for some fun times with fun viewing through telescopes, good fellowship, and yummy food!

Also, our hot tub will be available if anyone wants to soak some aches away. I'll serve some ice cold peach tea while you soak.
Just bring your swim suit and towel for some relaxation.

Dave and I look forward to having you up for this fun time!

Lora Grosvold :-)

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 Friday, May 22 2009 @ 02:03 pm EDT  
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Is this a "cloudy or clear event" or will it be cancelled if cloudy? Eek!

The weatherman is calling for a 40% chance of rain............ Frown

You know we have good fun & a great meal whether the weather cooperates or not......... Laughing Out Loud

Let me know.......................

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 Friday, May 22 2009 @ 11:39 pm EDT  
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Hey all -

This will be a definite event rain or shine. I have confirmation that some folks are already planning to attend even if it's raining. Come on up! Let's have some great food and a good time! Big Grin

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Sunday, May 24 2009 @ 08:12 pm EDT  
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Once again, our skies were cloudy and grey, but the sun was shining in the house as we had great food, great fun, and great fellowship. I believe a good time was had by all. We had some guests this time. Loren, who is Charley McLane's son, joined us after being back from college for summer break. Kathy and Mark were also a great addition. Kathy, Mike Baker's niece, and Mark, her husband are from Kansas. They came for the stargazing but I think they had a great time just the same.

Lora and I had a good time, and we plan to do this again in the fall. Thank you to those who came and made this a special occasion! Big Grin

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Tuesday, May 26 2009 @ 08:02 am EDT  
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Big Grin I doubt I'll ever tire going to the Diamond G Ranch - good food and good company go together like a hand and glove! Barbara, Kathy, Mark and I had a great time. Kathy and Mark were particularly impressed and enjoyed the astro conversations. Many thanks to Dave and Lora for being such wonderful hosts! Mr. Green
Mike Baker

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 Wednesday, May 27 2009 @ 05:16 pm EDT  
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Ditto, Ditto, Ditto...............Mike said it all!!!!!!!!! Laughing Out Loud

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