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dgrosvold |
Sunday, November 29 2009 @ 06:24 pm EST (Read 2264 times) |
Status: offline
Registered: 06/18/03 Posts: 449
Our 24th Annual December Christmas Dinner and Meeting is swiftly approaching! Traditionally we have held a Christmas-style dinner with AOAS providing the turkey, and then our members bring their favorite a side-dish to round out the meal.
You will find a list of side dishes that others have volunteered to bring, along with items we still need to complete the meal. Please log in and post your intentions about what you will bring. Don't worry - if you don't cook, there are other things we need, such as plates/cups. etc. I will keep a running tab of what's been offered each time someone posts to the forum. (see bottom of this post.)
The menu is always widely varied, and always delicious. The invitation is open to all. Bring your dish and your family to The Fort Smith River Park Pavilion - West on Friday, Dec 4th. Try to arrive by 6:30 PM or so. That way, the dinner can begin by 7:00PM. The room will be open by 6:00pm. Dinner will conclude by 8:00pm and we'll turn our attention to our program.
We will also be holding our elections for next year's club officers. Please bring your nominations if you have one. We will be voting for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There will be a presentation after the elections.
Everyone is welcome, current members, past members, friends from UAFS, and local media contacts. You needn't bring a side-dish to consider yourself invited. Don't miss it! You'll be glad you attended this year's traditional AOAS Christmas dinner and meeting.
The MENU as of 11/29/2009 @ 5:00PM:
Turkey & Ham ......................................................................................... Leonard Lynch
Coconut Cream Cake .............................................................................. Gayla Lynch
Sweet Potato casserole scalloped corn casserole .................................. Chuck and Loretta Larson
Fruit Salad & Mashed Potatoes and Gravy ............................................. Dave and Lora Grosvold
Green Bean Casserole & Rolls ................................................................ Mike and Barbara Baker
Deviled Eggs & Cranberry Sauce ............................................................ Leonard and Gayla Lynch
Paper Plates / Cups / Silverware.............................................................. Mike & Barbara Baker
ICE............................................................................................................ Dave and Lora Grosvold
Soft Drinks................................................................................................ Dave and Lora Grosvold
What we still need:
Vegetable Dishes.....................................................................................
Please sign up and lest us know what you'll be bringing!
Dave - Morrow, AR
lrjarhead |
Monday, November 30 2009 @ 01:34 am EST |
Status: offline
Registered: 08/25/08 Posts: 83
Barbara & I will bring a green bean casserole and rolls.
Mike Baker
nspace01 |
Monday, November 30 2009 @ 02:49 am EST |
Status: online
Registered: 03/27/05 Posts: 390
Deviled Eggs & Cranberry Sauce
lrjarhead |
Wednesday, December 02 2009 @ 03:31 pm EST |
Status: offline
Registered: 08/25/08 Posts: 83
Picked up some paper plates, plastic silverware, cups & napkins.
dgrosvold |
Wednesday, December 02 2009 @ 03:55 pm EST |
Status: offline
Registered: 06/18/03 Posts: 449
Sounds Great!
Lora and I will pick up some sodas and bring ICE as well.
Dave - Morrow, AR