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 Amateur Astronomy at Mt. Magazine
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 Sunday, January 25 2004 @ 08:42 pm EST (Read 3083 times)  
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Registered: 01/25/04
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Hello All,

I have been in touch with the local State Senator, Mrs. Ruth Whitaker, in an exchange about the use of telescopes in Mt Magazine State Park. Dave will be posting the letters in the download section for your reading pleasure. I hope you will all find these pleasing.

Fred Hunt
Charleston, AR

"The heavens declare the glory of the Lord.."
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 Friday, January 30 2004 @ 08:21 pm EST  
Forum Sage

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Hello, Fred. I'm looking forward to what are in the letters. There's a little lag time right now because I happen to know that our webmaster, Dave, is EXTREMELY BUSY right now. He's working a job that requires nearly all his waking moments and I'm sure he'll get to it soon. Besides your letters, we have several stories submitted that are to be posted, too.

Hang in there, Fred! We'll all see them soon.

Bob Moody
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 Sunday, February 01 2004 @ 07:27 pm EST  
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I appreciate your efforts along these lines - we can all use help when it comes to quality observing sites, and Mt. Magazine could be an ideal one. I will quote your initial comment to me via e-mail, for the benefit of all our members:

Earlier this summer, I wanted to go to Mt. Magazine to use my SCT and do some observing but was told by park employees that use of the darkest sky Horse Camp was not permitted unless I rented a camp site 6 miles away.

I contacted the state senator for our district, Ruth Whitaker, and asked her to see what she could do. She has contacted the State Parks Deputy Director, Gregg Butts to see what could be arranged.

I received a letter about the 11th of January from Sen. Whitaker that had attached a letter from Dep.Dir Butts. I thought your club might find a portion of the last paragraph interesting.

"I have spoken with Superintendent Flugrad and have authorized him to allow: (1) camping by permit outside Cameron Bluff Campground at designated areas for use by astronomers, and (2) pre-registration by permit for astronomers staying after 10:00p.m. at designated areas, who are not camping."

So, it would seem that the dark skies of Mt. Magazine have been reopened to amateur astronomers.

Stars Up!
Fred Hunt
Charleston, AR

To all AOAS Members:

I've uploaded the letters Fred sent me to our Downloads section, and you can download them HERE. These files are fairly large, so be prepared to take some time to download them.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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 Sunday, February 01 2004 @ 09:51 pm EST  
Forum Sage

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Registered: 06/19/03
Posts: 461

Smile Hello again, Fred. I must say, I'M IMPRESSED! I have never been to Mt. Magazine, much less seen what kind of an observing site it is, but the descriptions of many friends have convinced me that what you've done will be enjoyed and appreciated by all.

May I suggest that you send this information in to Astronomy and also Sky & Telescope for possible posting in their letters sections.

Earlier last year, I talked with some amateur astronomers on Astronomy's discussion forum about a possible joint venture between some N. Texas groups and our group along with as many other groups as I could find. I have NOT had the time to do this, and I regret that (I'm known on my infrequent visits to the discussion forum as "StarryKnight1920")
If I can remember to do so, I'll get back on soon and inform the people I was communicating with the news about Mt. Magazine. It would be great to have a Fall Star Party for a host of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas clubs, wouldn't it? Maybe we can get John Dobson to come and bless us all!

I'll be in touch, Fred.......

Bob Moody
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