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 Monday, January 31 2005 @ 10:32 pm EST (Read 3149 times)  
Forum Admin

Status: offline

Registered: 06/18/03
Posts: 449

To all users of the AOAS Discussion Forum:

Let’s keep science and philosophy in their proper places. This forum is a place for the exchange of ideas between people who rely on reason rather than emotionalism or philosophy. Our charter as a society (the AOAS) is to further the application of astronomy in education. Astronomy is a branch of science. If you wish to debate philosophy, or pseudo-scientific beliefs such as astrology, please do it on other websites dedicated to that purpose.

Granted, there is knowledge to be had outside of science, but if that knowledge is not something that can be proposed, and then confirmed or refuted according to the scientific method, then please post it elsewhere. We simply expect anyone who makes statements about science that are contrary to current scientific knowledge to back them up with either repeatable, documented results, or with another's repeatable, documented results. The AOAS Discussion Forum is not a scientific journal capable of judging theory, and it should not be used as such.

If you have a theory, or an idea you think has merit, please present it with scientific principles in mind. We ARE open to new ideas. But be prepared to back up your claims according to scientific principles. Merely backing up your claim with a theory that is not currently accepted by the scientific community does not constitute a sufficient scientific foundation.

Please follow these acceptable use guidelines. Any posts that do not conform to this policy will be removed immediately. If users repeatedly violate this policy, then AOAS reserves the right to permanently ban them from this web site.

Dave - Morrow, AR
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