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Marcus |
Tuesday, May 17 2005 @ 09:44 am EDT (Read 2286 times) |
Status: offline
Registered: 05/16/04 Posts: 13
Just used my Books-A-Million discount for the first time. It works! A full 20 percent off and they gave me something else Bob didn't mention: tax-free status. Woohoo!
I encourage everyone to get your cards and put them to use. Saved me a ton of money.
bobmoody |
Wednesday, May 18 2005 @ 12:28 am EDT |
Status: online
Registered: 06/19/03 Posts: 461
Hi, Marcus.
That's GREAT! I wondered whether the tax-exemption would also be included, and I'm very glad to hear that it was.
Every AOAS member that hasn't been to Coleman Observatory recently, or who didn't attend the Carol Ann Cross Park event last weekend hasn't seen their new membership cards. I have them made up for every member in good standing, and every member who attends the June 3rd meeting at Creekmore Park will receive your card that evening so you can take advantage of this newest benefit of membership. Folks who don't attend on the 3rd, or who don't have email access will receive their membership cards by mail in July. Try to attend the June 3rd meeting!!!
To my knowledge Marcus, you are the first to use this new benefit. Congrats!!!
Bob Moody
Anonymous: TexasJagsFan |
Wednesday, May 18 2005 @ 11:33 pm EDT |
Well thats good to hear, I need to go soon and make a pre order for a book.
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