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ed wemmerus |
Tuesday, December 13 2005 @ 07:31 pm EST (Read 2871 times) |
Status: offline
Registered: 06/04/05 Posts: 47
I just went to the International Dark Sky Association and looked to see if there were any organizations in Arkansas that were members. To my surprise, there were none listed as being members. I think that this is shameful and want to recommend that we be the first in Arkansas to join and support them in their attempt to help solve the light pollution crisis that is affecting our state, our country, and our world. We have already take the first steps by deciding to give certificates of appreciation to those businesses and individuals that are helping to remedy this situation by installing DARK SKY friendly lighting, so maybe we should think about joining the International Dark Sky Association as a means of support for our shared goals.
Just some rantings from the field, but I had to say it.
Ed W.
Always look for the answer to the questions you do not know.
bobmoody |
Wednesday, December 14 2005 @ 09:48 am EST |
Status: online
Registered: 06/19/03 Posts: 461
Hi, Ed.
It's interesting that you went to the IDA site and they didn't have us listed. We've been members since last year about 10 months ago.
I would have thought that they should have us listed by now so I think we should start sending them email queries asking why we aren't listed as the ONLY Arkansas organization that IS A MEMBER of IDA. If you are an AOAS paid member, go to IDA and examine their excellent site at www.darksky.org. Then, send them an email to ida@darksky.org to remind them that AOAS is a member and could they please list us as the only AR member organization.
Let's just send them friendly messages asking why we aren't listed. It may be that they simply overlooked it, or they may not update their site often enough. Either way, we should be listed since we sent in our dues check and are receiving their newsletters.
Thanks for noticing, Ed. We need to help them realize that we ARE for Dark Skies in NW Arkansas.
Bob Moody
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