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 That's what Neil Armstrong said.
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 Wednesday, December 14 2005 @ 02:04 pm EST (Read 1551 times)  
Forum Sage

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Registered: 06/19/03
Posts: 461

Laughing Out Loud Chuck sent me this little story from a source online, I believe, and I thought I'd post it here for everyone to see and contemplate. His neighbor's wife was truly prophetic........

On July 20, 1969, as Commander of the Apollo 11 Module, Neil Armstrong was
the first person to set foot on the Moon.

His first words after stepping on the Moon, "That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind," were televised to earth and heard by millions.

But just before he reentered the lander, he made the following enigmatic
remark, "Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky".

Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival
Soviet cosmonaut.

However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or
American space programs.

Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the "Good Luck,
Mr. Gorsky, statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled.

On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following
a speech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question. This time he
finally responded.

Mr. Gorsky had died, so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.

In 1938 when he was a kid in a small midwest town, he was playing baseball
with a friend in the backyard.

His friend hit the ball, which landed in his neighbor's yard by the
bedroom window.

His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leand down to pick up the
ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky.


True Story.

Bob Moody
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Anonymous: TexasJagsFan
 Wednesday, December 14 2005 @ 10:15 pm EST  

Ha, I got that from someone a couple weeks ago, I should have it emailed it to you! Mr. Green Mr. Green

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