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 Christmas dinner/meeting menu 2006
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 Sunday, November 05 2006 @ 06:44 pm EST (Read 8426 times)  
Forum Sage

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Registered: 06/19/03
Posts: 461

It's again time for our annual December dinner and meeting. For 21 years, this has traditionally been a Christmas-style dinner with AOAS providing the turkey, and our members bringing a side-dish to create a really GREAT, well-rounded meal. Here's how this works....

Members logon to this topic, and view the menu as it is created AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS (MY) POST. If you like to prepare a special dish, post your intentions of bringing that dish for everyone else to see. If you want to bring a dish that's already listed here, try to decide on a different dish that you like, and post that dish. THIS MENU IS ALWAYS EVOLVING each time you visit it. I'll re-edit my post to keep a running tab of what's been offered each time someone posts to the forum. (see bottom)

The menu is always widely varied, and thoroughly succulent. The comradery is always fun and friendly. The invitation is open to all. Bring your dish and your family to CREEKMORE PARK in the ROSE ROOM by 6:15pm! The room will be open by 6:00pm. We want to start dinner by 6:30 if at all possible, so don't be later than that. Dinner will conclude by 7:00pm and we'll turn our attention to our special guest speaker.

This year we have Dr. P. Clay Sherrod as a guest speaker. This will be Dr. Clay's third visit to AOAS, since his last visit in April of 2004. Dr. Clay will present a description of how he operates his FOUR robotic stations of the Arkansas Skies Observatories. We greatly anticipate this presentation, since we will gain many helpful insights into how we might soon begin a professional-level observing program of our own at Coleman Observatory.

Everyone is welcome, current members, past members, our friends from UAFS and the local media contacts. You needn't bring a side-dish to consider yourself invited. You will all be impressed and thankful that you attended this year's traditional AOAS Christmas dinner and meeting.

The MENU as of 11/30 @ 10:00pm
I'll pick up the turkey and prepare it.........................................................Bob Moody
Cheesy mashed potatoes, a desert and a 2 liter of soda pop .......................Ed Wemmerus and Jeannie
Traditional Christmas taco salad and key lime pies.....................................Charley McLane
Sweet Potato casserole and a special creamed corn casserole.....................Chuck and Loretta Larson
Macaroni and cheese, a 2 liter bottle of Coke.............................................Kenny Dickerson
Pumpkin and/or mincemeat pies.............................................................Dale Hall
Meatballs and some other items..............................................................Roberta Parks
Dressing and another item......................................................................Linda Miller
Brownies..............................................................................................Wade Van Arsdale
pies, cranberries and corn......................................................................Sylvia Timmons
Twice Backed Potatoes..........................................................................Jon Stone, Jr.
Diet coke, pinto beans and 3 layer delight pie...........................................Gerald and Donna Gentry

Bob Moody
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Charley McLane
 Monday, November 06 2006 @ 05:13 pm EST  
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Razz Traditional Christmas taco salad and key lime pies

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Chuck Larson
 Tuesday, November 07 2006 @ 11:48 am EST  
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We will be bringing Loretta's usuall Sweet Potato casserole and
a special creamed corn casserole.

Chuck Larson
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 Wednesday, November 08 2006 @ 07:41 pm EST  
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I'll bring my usual macaroni and cheese, a 2 liter bottle of coke and time permitting something else.


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Wade Van Arsdale
 Tuesday, November 21 2006 @ 10:21 pm EST  
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I'll bring a pan of brownies.

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Anonymous: TexasJagsFan
 Thursday, November 23 2006 @ 10:02 pm EST  

Twice Baked Potatoes

Donna Gentry
 Saturday, November 25 2006 @ 12:37 am EST  
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Gerald and I will be bringing diet coke, pinto beans and 3 layer delight pie.

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