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Tuesday, September 10 2024 @ 10:22 am EDT
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European Southern Observatory Outreach (1,468)
Drop in on our South American neighbors. The European Southern Observatory operates the Very Large Telescope, a set of four identical 8.2m reflector telescopes which when fully operational, can combine the images from each facility to yield the light-gathering power of one single telescope nearly a quarter-mile in diameter! Many such innovative devices and instruments can be found at VLT and other observatory facilities of the ESO. Their Outreach page is your first stop, but the universe lies just beyond.
Hawaiin Starlight (1,976)
The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and the scientists that make up that organization have stepped up to create an impressive gallery of images that have been gathered by the telescopes at CFHT and the other observatories and telescopes on Mauna Kea on the "Big" Island of Hawaii. There's a lot of materials and other goodies available for visitors to the site, and you owe it to yourself to pay them a visit.
Holloway Comet Observatory (1,298)
Located 7 miles North of Van Buren, Ar. Equipment includes a Meade 10" F6.3 SCT, Takahashi FSQ 4" F5.3 refractor, SBIG ST2000XM and FLI Maxcam10 CCD cameras. These storage files contain images of past and present comets.
Prairie Creek Observatory (1,301)
Prairie Creek is a roll-off roof back yard observatory that I built to house my telescope in 2005. It is 10' X 10' and affords me skies free from the glare of street lights. I had my doubts as to its sucess but blocking ground level light made a big improvement in my night skies. The web site mainly chronicles the construction of the shed and hosts a few of my astrophoto attempts so far. Comments are always welcomed.
Ten Acre Observatory (2,038)
Ten Acre Observatory (TAO) is located S.E. of the OKC metro area. TAO has a 100 X 200 foot observing area with an 8" Dob and 13" Dob available for public use, Plus a 24" StarMaster used to give guided tours of the night sky. Additionally, they have star charts and astronomy programs to assist those using the facilities. TAO is the primary viewing site for the Odyssey Astronomy Club.