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Sunday, February 09 2025 @ 09:46 pm EST
Link Category
Adobe Acrobat Reader (1,582)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - Essential for viewing & printing Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) files.
Deepsky Astronomy Software (DAS) (1,424)
Most complete astronomy software CD/DVD suite for observers. Starcharts, Images, Logbook, Planner, Telescope Control, Solar System Info
SkyMap Pro (2,328)
SkyMap Pro is a sophisticated star charting and planetarium program. It can display the sky as seen from any location on earth for any date between 4000BC and 8000AD, showing fields of view ranging from the entire visible sky down to a detailed telescopic "finder chart" for a faint galaxy. The program also provides a powerful set of tools for observation planning and recording.
Although SkyMap Pro has the power to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding user, the program is easy to learn to use, and is primarily controlled with the mouse using simple "toolbars". A printed tutorial manual and detailed "on line" help system provides extensive operating instructions and reference information.
StarMessage, moon phase and night sky screensaver (3,254)
View the moon phases and write your name in the
stars of the night sky.
Stellarium FREE Program (1,228)
Stellarium is an impressive astronomical planetarium program that is constantly evolving and just getting better and better. Everyone interested in having their own planetarium software MUST TRY Stellarium, if for no other reason than the fact that it's FREE. A high-speed connection is required to download Stellarium, but it just may be your favorite download of the week, month, or year! Stellarium is used in the Digitalis Planetarium projector systems and tens of thousands of satisfied users all know just how impressive this program is. Go to www.stellarium.org, and see for yourself. AOAS hopes to have this as our primary planetarium charting software for stories and for presentations, and HIGHLY recommends this Stellarium Planetarium Program!
The Ultimate Messier Object Log (1,501)
An excellent resource for anyone observing the Messier objects. Can be downloaded as a stand alone computer program or as a PDF file that you can print as you need. Multiple resources within this program including individual pages on each object with photos and finder charts, a list with photographs, individual log sheets with sketch areas. a simple numerical list and a marathon list.