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Tuesday, April 23 2024 @ 05:21 pm EDT

Tonight - Lunar Eclipse Party!

The AOAS is holding a Lunar Eclipse Party this Saturday, November 8, 2003, at Carol Ann Cross Park in Fort Smith. The Eclipse Party will start at 5:30 PM (or about sunset). Moonrise on November 8 will occur at 5:12 PM local time.

The moon will rise already in the beginning phase of the eclipse, and as it clears the eastern horizon, it will show a small "bite" out of it's edge. That "bite" will continue to sweep across the face of the moon until 7:06 when all of the moon will be within Earth's shadow, and "totality" will have begun. The moon spends 25 minutes in totality, and at 7:31 we will again see the moon beginning to emerge from the shadow. The moon will be completely clear of the shadow at 9:05 and the eclipse will be over.

Carol Ann Cross Park is north of St. Edwards Hospital on 74th Street. Just turn off Rogers Ave at 74th Street and head north over the hill. Carol Ann Cross Park will then be on your right after you cross Euper Lane. Everyone is invited! No registration is required, but we can use all the knowledgeable help we can get! Contact the Douglas C. Coleman Observatory by calling 479-474-4740 or e-mail Bob Moody or Joe Roam for further information.

Last Updated Saturday, January 12 2008 @ 02:21 am EST; 1,560 Hits View Printable Version

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